How to get the sleeving onto an object (if the object is bigger than the relaxed sleeve)
If the object (or a connector on a cable) is very big compared to the sleeve size (at the upper end of its diameter range), you need to be very quick with the following trick: Heat up the edge of the cut area and immediately move the sleeve onto the object. You have 2 to 3 seconds while the cut is still hot enough. Of course you can do the procedure again and again if you were too slow.
Here is the video for the described procedure:
How to move the sleeving over the full length of an object („caterpillar“ movement)
Just slide the sleeving onto the accessible end of the object. Now use the „caterpillar“ technique to slide the sleeving as far as you want onto the object.
„Caterpillar“ technique: Hold the front of the sleeving in place on the object, push more sleeving from the back towards the front, release the front of the sleeving – it now slides forward. Now repeat the process again and again.
Here is the video for the described procedure:
The „length stretch“ (ultra important!)
As soon as the sleeve approaches the end position on the object (wherever you want it to end), slide your fingers (with pressure!) from the beginning of the object towards the end of the sleeving. This so called „lengthwise stretch“ makes the sleeve fit like a glove on the object. Without the perfect length stretch, your final result will not be as perfect as it could be! Always remember this extremely important step, especially if an object is smaller than the relaxed sleeve.
This lengthwise stretch is also very important for the next step and many others as well!
Here is the video for the described procedure:
Marking the final length and cut it
Now you will mark the position on the length stretched sleeving where you want to cut (usually somewhere at the start section of the object, while the already cut end position is positioned perfectly), so you have the perfect length on your object as exactly needed.
You can mark the sleeving with a marker pen or by cutting a strand (or a few strands) of the weave with a small diagonal cutting plier, nail scissor or similar.
Once marked, you move the sleeving off of the object (reverse caterpillar movement) until the marked cut position is not on the object anymore (at the cut area the sleeving needs to be completely relaxed). Now cut and melt the cut as you have learned it.
Now move the sleeving fully back onto the object (heat up the cut area if neccessary, as learned before), bring it into final position and stretch lengthwise. If the sleeving holds into position, you are basically done.
If the sleeving doesn’t hold the lengthwise stretched position by itself, we logically have to fix it in this position. There are many ways to do so, depending on the shape or construction of the object in the area of the sleeve ends. For now, you could just fix it with a cable tie if needed.
You once again learned a lot. Now let’s continue to the different fixing methods, which also brings us to the transition towards your own creativity, ideas and solutions.