Fix the sleeving in position

How do I know in advance if I will need to fix it?

Let’s start with a general understanding.

If the diameter / circumference of the object is bigger than the median value (>50%) of the diameter / circumference range of the sleeving, then the sleeving will hold in position by itself – without any additional techniques.

Just an example for a better understanding:

  • Object diameter: 10 mm.
  • Diameter range of the sleeving size: 6 mm to 12 mm.
  • The minimum object diameter for a hold on its own with this sleeving size would be 9 mm or higher, because 50% of the sleevings‘ expansion range would be a diameter of 9 mm.

In other words: The more the sleeving is expanded, the closer it is to its maximum diameter range, the better it will hold by itself.

Fixing methods and techniques

There are many ways to hold the sleeving ends in place on the object. Depending on your project, it’s always worth experimenting. Here are some general methods explained, which can be suitable.

Fixing with glue?

Glue usually doesn’t adhere on thermoplastic sleeving. The weave surface is another factor to reduce effectiveness. You can try super glue though. For more information, search for super glues that are recommended for PET and the object materials you use.

Clamping, press-fitting

Basically you can fix the sleeving ends of a lengthwise stretched sleeve in place with anything that works. Something that physically presses the sleeving onto the object is highly recommended: Cable-ties, crimps, clamps, compression fittings, tape or similar things that enclose the sleeving and object tightly are excellent methods.

Remember: Any items or parts of items will do the job, which clamp or press the sleeving ends onto the object with enough pressure (a so called „press-fit“).

There’s also a universal solution, which belongs to the family of compression fixing methods: Heatshrink. With heatshrink you can also execute a unique trick, which enables you to melt the sleeving in a controlled way. Make sure to learn this method in the following section of this guide!

Heatshrink as a universal fixing method