We will now do the other side of the cable. You will need a cable-tie for the following procedures.To perfectly stretch the sleeve lengthwise on the wire, we will put the cable-tie onto the sleeved wire, very close to the existing crimp terminal. Pull the cable-tie as tight as possible.Slide and push the cable-tie over the full length of the cable towards the open end.Shorten the sleeve to the necessary length by carefully cutting the sleeve all around the conductor of the wire. Use a good nail scissor for this procedure. If the strands of the conductor are sticking out too far, you can also shorten these with a nail scissor.Melt the cut just very slightly.Bring the crimp terminal precisely into position as shown on page 1 of this guide. Squeeze the front or rear wings of the crimp terminal onto the sleeve. The crimp terminal must hold in position by itself for the next step.With the cable-tie in place, crimp in the big slot of the tool, as done earlier on the first crimp terminal.